Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday - Music: My Aria-Pro II LP

For my first (belated) post on my instruments, I figured I'd write about my first real guitar. Now please, dear reader, keep in mind that, when I say 'real' guitar, I mean one of a quality that would not embarrass me to be seen playing on stage. And now, presenting....

Yes, there she is, basking in all the glory she gives off. Now most guitar companies, including Aria, put serial numbers on guitars for dating purposes. This particular gem does not have one, which according to Aria's website means that it comes from a period ranging from the late 70's to early 80's. For this reason, I like to pretend that she's a '77, because 1977 was such an awesome year. Think about it. Peter Gabriel I. The Clash's self titled debut. Pink Floyd's Animals. The Sex Pistols entire (and singular) discography. Either way, it's older than I am, and I think that is awesome.

It's a knockoff that I got with birthday and Xmas money when I was...17? I've had trouble with the wiring, several screws have gone missing, the paint is chipping, the pickup holders are cracked and I would not ever trade, sell or give it away. I've played countless guitars on store shelves and friends homes and keep coming back to this old girl. Something about the guitar you learn to play on. It's like getting a car, anytime you step back into your first car it's naught but memories. I've done the vast majority of my recording on this guitar, which might not mean anything to anybody but me, but I doubt much of this does anyway.

If this bored you, there's still 3 guitars, a bass, a keyboard and drums in excess coming your way.


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