Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday - Sandbox: Cooking with Sarah

Today marks my first sandbox blog, in which I give myself no boundaries. Seeing as I missed my first chance for a viewers choice blog (and marking that I only have one reader so far, my lovely girlfriend, Sarah.), I'm going to combine this by blogging about something she keeps asking me to blog about; her.

More specifically, cooking with her. We have not, as of yet, made cooking a tandem activity. We more or less take turns cooking FOR each other, but there's always input from the other. For example, the other night I made her some stuffed peppers and split the recipe in half, one half made with barbecue sauce for me and the other half with ketchup for her. It came out good and we both loved it. A few nights later she returned the favor by making me a stromboli with customized ingredients. That, too, came out fantastically.

Every now and then we've found ways to collaborate on meals, and that's when it really gets to be cool for me. Not only do we find ways to make dishes work together, but we have a pretty good knack of finishing them at about the same time. The other night I started grilling some fish with butter and cilantro and making some broccoli. Around the halfway point of my cooking, Sarah walked in the door and began to make rice with some cilantro butter she had made. Right as the rice was done, the fish was done. Brilliance!

Maybe there's more I could write on it. There's a lot more I could write on it. I love cooking with her because it's so much more than simply making something to shove down and abate hunger. It's a social experience that gives me something to look forward to, and I certainly do.

If you'll pardon me, we're going grocery shopping so we can cook us some dinner.

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