Sunday, March 28, 2010


If I may, I've got some thoughts and my old blog might be the best catharsis for me...

Democracy, as I understand it, is a political system in which majorities of populace elect leaders to represent them in a centralized government. Majority voice equals majority rule. In a system like this, there are always going to be people who feel left out and ignored, but the system we have in place allows those people to come together every so often to change the majority in control. Do I have this right?

For eight years, the Republican party held majority control of America, and depending on where you stand, this was either a great thing or a terrible thing. Either way, history will be written without any violent revolutions or coups having occurred. The people who didn't agree with the people in power did what our forefathers gave them the right to do; they took to the streets and raised their voices in protest of what they believed was unfair. When they felt they had had enough, they banded together and, when given the chance to do so, changed the majority in a fair a legal matter.

Sarah Palin, with a growing number of people, now fronts a movement called the Tea Party, running around the country with the phrase "Take back our country" as a headliner. My question is this: How can a group with so much concern for a healthy working America be so carelessly anti-democracy without realizing it?

In a working democracy, the party system is in place to give the American people two or more people to choose from. We do not have a king put there by birthright. We do not have a dictator who took his power by killing the last man of power. We have a president who was elected by the majority of our population, who took his position via an oath, after shaking the hand of the man he was replacing.

YOU CANNOT TAKE BACK WHAT WAS NOT TAKEN FROM YOU. If I steal my neighbors television, he can take back his television. If I overdraw my bank account, they can take back their money. If I participate in a four year voting cycle and you lose, you are taking away my voice and right by 'taking back' your country.

Sarah Palin and her Tea Baggers: You are not lobbying to save a democracy. Through the vicious acts tied to your party, you are becoming a people more vile and disgusting than that of any stereotype you keep in your mind. You are so concerned with keeping America away from what you see as socialism that you are blind to what you are trying to turn in into: a dictatorship, a country in which people will not have the freedom to disagree or argue. You are letting working class Americans die from lack of healthcare, so as to ensure the extreme cases that do not deserve it do not get it.

You are not helping America move forward. You are not even trying to keep America where it is. You are killing us. You are keeping us diseased. You are ridiculing us for choices you supposedly fight to let us make. You are robbing us of the freedoms you believe we should all have.

I do not feel better.
